Our new colleague… THE ROBOT!

We have a new colleague:  this chap started to give a helping hand on the packaging line. A strong helping hand, made of steel. He doesn’t get tired at all and he likes to spin among the boxes and pallets of Great Nails.

It has become obvious that the solution for the future is automation. Technological development has allowed the access of robotics throughout a wide palette of industries. Our company is no different: we have realized very early on the importance of automation in packaging. We currently employ a smart, unmanned nail box handling machine. The nail boxes are picked up by a robotic arm that is neat and efficient. The robotic arm does not get tired, it does not take a break, it does not have a vacation and it is not sensitive to the viruses that roam in the world today. It works conscientiously, day by day, hour by hour. It lifts groups of 25 kg boxes, places them on the pallet and sends them into storage. It is a pleasure to see the robot waiting patiently for the conveyor belt, picking up the boxes and storing boxes at the right place. Also, our new colleague is working on two lines: both for the 5kg bulk nail boxes and for the 18kg roll nail boxes. You will be amazed to witness its skills and efficiency.

So hey, welcome new chap!